Welcome to PURPLE DRAGON World Headquarters
Don Jitsu Ryu is one of the most practical and complete Martial Arts fighting systems. The Don Jitsu Ryu System was developed by Professor Don Jacob over five decades ago. Born in Trinidad, he now holds a 9th Degree Black belt and is one of the most well-known and respected Martial Artists in the world today.
Modern in concept yet ancient in origin, it blends well with many of the traditional Martial Arts Styles such as Karate, Kung Fu, TaeKwonDo, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, and Weaponry, which has established it as one of the world’s best fighting systems.
Purple Dragon is devoted to remaining among the top leaders in our industry by offering the best martial arts fitness system and services to our members. We will continue to provide extraordinary levels of student satisfaction and remain confident and dedicated to our system, Don Jitsu Ryu. We pride ourselves in building a reputation of integrity in every community we serve worldwide.
MORE than just Karate Kids. It’s Not What You Leave FOR Your Children; It’s What You Leave IN Them.
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