They teach the Don Jitsu Ryu System, Karobics (Karate + Caribbean Aerobics), Self-Defense, and Kickfit-Boxing. Shihan Albert and Sensei Candia traveled to Japan, Thailand, Canada, and other countries representing the Purple Dragon.
To join Shihan Albert’s and Sensei Candia’s classes, please call: 1 (561)-401-9930 / 1(561)-307-2516 or email: purpledragonflorida@gmail.com or visit www.purpledragonsoflo.com.[/ultimate_heading]
She operates Purple Dragon Texas Branch in Houston, Texas.
To join Shihan Liselle’s classes, please contact via email at shihanliselle@purpledragontexas.com/ purpledragonhoustontx@gmail.com or call 1(832)-684-1040 or visit: www.purpledragontexas.com.[/ultimate_heading]
To join Sensei Hayden’s classes, please email senseihayden@purpledragonatl.com, call 1 (404)-834-3477 or visit www.purpledragonatl.com[/ultimate_heading]
For more information about joining Shihan Amber Murphy’s classes, please email pdkitsoffice@gmail.com or call: 1 (604)-737-2929, or visit www.purpledragonbc.com.[/ultimate_heading]
He has traveled representing Purple Dragon to Tortola, Grenada, and the USA.
To join Shihan Adrian’s classes, please email purpledragononto@gmail.com or call 1 (647)-860-1074[/ultimate_heading]
He has traveled with the Purple Dragon team to Guatemala, Hawaii, St. Lucia, and the USA.
To join Sensei Phillips’s classes, please email anthony.phillips@purpledragonkingsville.ca or call 1 (416)-731-3512 or visit www.purpledragonkingsville.ca .[/ultimate_heading]